Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit: 5 Steps to Homeownership

Are you dreaming of owning a home but worried about your bad credit? Don't give up hope! Even with a low credit score, you can still get a mortgage.

This guide will show you how to make your home ownership dreams come true, step by step.

Let's get started on your path to getting a mortgage, even with bad credit!

How to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Get a Mortgage with Bad Credit

1. Check Your Credit Score

The first step to getting a mortgage with bad credit is to know your credit score. Your credit score is like a report card for how well you handle money. Here's what you need to do:

  • Get a free credit report from each of the three main credit bureaus

  • Look at your credit score to see where you stand

  • Check for any mistakes in your credit report

  • If you find mistakes, tell the credit bureau so they can fix them

Your credit score is very important when you want to get a mortgage. Lenders use your credit score to decide if they will give you a loan. They also use it to choose what interest rate to offer you. A higher credit score usually means a lower interest rate. A lower interest rate means you'll pay less money over time for your mortgage.

Even if your credit score is low, don't worry! There are still ways to get a mortgage. But it's good to know your score so you can plan ahead. If your score is very low, you might want to work on improving it before you apply for a mortgage. This could help you get a better deal.

Remember, your credit score can change over time. If you make good choices with your money, your score can go up. This includes paying your bills on time and not using too much of your available credit. Improving your credit score can help you get a better mortgage rate in the future.

Checking your credit score is just the first step. But it's a very important one. It helps you understand where you stand and what you need to do next. With this information, you can make a plan to get the mortgage you want, even with bad credit.

2. Save for a Larger Down Payment

When you have bad credit, saving for a larger down payment can really help you get a mortgage. A down payment is the money you pay upfront when you buy a house. The rest of the money comes from the mortgage loan. Here's why a bigger down payment is important and how to save for it:

  • A larger down payment shows lenders you're serious about buying a house

  • It can help make up for a low credit score

  • The more you put down, the less you need to borrow

Saving money can be hard, but it's very important when you want to buy a house. Here are some ways to save more money for your down payment:

  • Make a budget and stick to it

  • Cut back on things you don't really need

  • Look for ways to earn extra money

  • Put your savings in a special account just for your down payment

Remember, every little bit helps. Even if you can only save a small amount each week, it will add up over time. The more you can save, the better your chances of getting a mortgage, even with bad credit.

Some lenders might ask for a bigger down payment if you have bad credit. This is because they see you as a higher risk. But if you can show them you have saved a lot of money, they might feel better about giving you a loan.

Saving for a down payment takes time and patience. But it's worth it in the long run. Not only can it help you get a mortgage with bad credit, but it can also save you money over time. The more you put down at the start, the less you have to borrow. This means you'll pay less in interest over the life of your loan.

While you're saving, you can also work on improving your credit score. This can help you even more when it's time to apply for a mortgage. Remember, getting a mortgage with bad credit is possible, but it might take some extra work and planning.

3. Explore Government-Backed Loan Programs

If you have bad credit, government-backed loan programs can be a big help. These programs are made to help people who might have trouble getting a regular mortgage. Here's what you need to know about these special loans:

  • They often have easier rules for getting approved

  • You might be able to get one with a lower credit score

  • They sometimes let you make a smaller down payment

FHA loans are one of the most popular government-backed loans for people with bad credit. FHA stands for Federal Housing Administration. These loans are easier to get than regular mortgages. Here's why:

  • You can get an FHA loan with a credit score as low as 500

  • If your score is 580 or higher, you might only need a 3.5% down payment

  • They often have lower interest rates than other loans for people with bad credit

Another option is a VA loan. These are for veterans, active military members, and some military spouses. VA loans are great because:

  • You might not need any down payment at all

  • They often have lower interest rates

  • You can get one even with a lower credit score

There are also USDA loans. These are for buying homes in rural areas. They can be good for people with bad credit because:

  • You might not need a down payment

  • They have low interest rates

  • You can get one with a lower credit score than you'd need for a regular mortgage

When you're looking at these government-backed loans, it's important to understand all the rules. Each one has different requirements. You'll need to make sure you qualify before you apply.

Remember, even though these loans can be easier to get with bad credit, you still need to be careful. Make sure you can afford the monthly payments before you take out any loan. It's also a good idea to learn about common mortgage mistakes and how to avoid them.

Government-backed loans can be a great way to get a mortgage with bad credit. They give you more options and can make it easier to buy a home. But they're not the only way. Keep exploring all your choices to find the best mortgage for you.

4. Consider a Co-Signer

If you're having trouble getting a mortgage because of bad credit, you might want to think about getting a co-signer. A co-signer is someone who agrees to pay back the loan if you can't. This person is usually a family member or close friend. Here's what you need to know about using a co-signer:

A co-signer can help you get approved for a mortgage

  • They might help you get a lower interest rate

  • Having a co-signer is a big responsibility for both of you

Using a co-signer can really help if you have bad credit. Here's why:

  • The lender looks at your co-signer's credit score too, not just yours

  • If your co-signer has good credit, it can make up for your bad credit

  • Lenders might feel safer giving you a loan if someone else promises to pay if you can't

But remember, asking someone to be your co-signer is a big deal. You need to think about it carefully:

  • Your co-signer is taking a big risk by helping you

  • If you don't pay the mortgage, your co-signer will have to pay

  • It could hurt your relationship if something goes wrong

Before you ask someone to be your co-signer, make sure you can afford the mortgage payments. You don't want to put your co-signer in a bad situation. It's also a good idea to talk about what would happen if you couldn't make your payments.

If you do decide to use a co-signer, choose someone who:

  • Has a good credit score

  • Has a steady income

  • Understands what being a co-signer means

Remember, using a co-signer is not the only way to get a mortgage with bad credit. You might want to look at other options too. For example, you could try to improve your credit score before you apply for a mortgage. Or you could look into government-backed loans that might be easier to get.

Using a co-signer can be a good way to get a mortgage with bad credit. But it's a big decision. Make sure you understand all the risks and responsibilities before you ask someone to be your co-signer.

5. Work with a Mortgage Broker

When you have bad credit, working with a mortgage broker can be very helpful. A mortgage broker is someone who helps people find and get mortgages. They work with many different lenders and know about lots of different loan options. Here's why a mortgage broker can be good for you:

  • They can help you find lenders who work with people who have bad credit

  • They might know about special programs that could help you

  • They can explain different mortgage options in a way that's easy to understand

Mortgage brokers can save you time and stress when you're trying to get a mortgage with bad credit. Here's how they can help:

  • They do a lot of the hard work for you

  • They can talk to lenders for you

  • They might be able to get you a better deal than you could get on your own

When you work with a mortgage broker, here's what usually happens:

  1. You tell the broker about your situation and what kind of mortgage you want

  2. The broker looks for lenders who might give you a loan

  3. They help you understand your options and choose the best one for you

  4. They help you with the paperwork and guide you through the process

It's important to choose a good mortgage broker. Look for someone who:

  • Has experience helping people with bad credit

  • Is licensed and has a good reputation

  • Explains things clearly and answers all your questions

Remember, even though a mortgage broker can be very helpful, you still need to be careful. Make sure you understand everything about any mortgage you're thinking about. Don't be afraid to ask questions if something isn't clear.

A good mortgage broker can also give you advice on how to improve your chances of getting a mortgage. They might suggest ways to improve your credit score or tell you about steps you can take to get a better interest rate.

Working with a mortgage broker can make getting a mortgage with bad credit easier. They can help you find options you might not have known about on your own. But remember, the final decision about which mortgage to choose is always up to you.


Getting a mortgage with bad credit might seem hard, but it's not impossible. There are many ways to make your dream of owning a home come true, even if your credit isn't perfect. Let's review the main steps we talked about:

  1. Check your credit score and fix any mistakes

  2. Save for a bigger down payment

  3. Look into government-backed loan programs

  4. Think about using a co-signer

  5. Work with a mortgage broker

Remember, everyone's situation is different. What works best for you might not be the same as what works for someone else. The most important thing is to keep trying and not give up.

As you work on getting a mortgage, keep learning about how mortgages work. Understanding things like fixed vs. adjustable rate mortgages can help you make better choices. And if you run into trouble later, knowing how to handle mortgage default and foreclosure can be very helpful.

Getting a mortgage with bad credit might take more time and effort, but it's worth it when you finally have a home of your own. Keep working on improving your credit, saving money, and exploring all your options. With patience and hard work, you can make your dream of homeownership come true!

Secure a Mortgage When Self-Employed: 5 Essential Steps for Success

Are you self-employed and dreaming of owning your own home? Getting a mortgage when you work for yourself can seem tricky, but don't worry!

This guide will show you how to make it happen. We'll walk through all the steps to help you get that home loan, even if you're your own boss. Let's get started on your path to homeownership!

How to Secure a Mortgage as a Self-Employed Individual

How to Secure a Mortgage as a Self-Employed Individual

1. Understand the Challenges

Being self-employed can make getting a mortgage harder. Here's why:

  • Banks see self-employed people as more risky

  • Your income might go up and down each month

  • You might not have regular pay stubs to show

  • You may write off a lot of expenses on your taxes

But don't let these things stop you! Many self-employed people do get mortgages. You just need to know how to show lenders that you're a good bet.

Banks want to be sure you can pay back your loan. When you work for yourself, it's harder for them to see that. They can't just look at a pay stub and know how much money you make. You have to work harder to prove your income is steady and big enough to pay for a house.

Your tax returns might not show all your income. Many self-employed people write off a lot of expenses. This lowers their taxable income. But it also makes it look like they make less money than they really do. Lenders might think you can't afford a big loan.

Another challenge is that your income might change a lot from month to month. This makes lenders nervous. They want to see steady income that will let you make your payments every month, even if you have a slow month at work.

Don't let these challenges get you down, though! There are ways to overcome them. You just need to be prepared and know what lenders are looking for. In the next sections, we'll talk about how to get ready to apply for a mortgage when you're self-employed.

2. Get Your Finances in Order

Before you apply for a mortgage, you need to get your money stuff in good shape. Here's what to do:

  • Keep good records of all your income and expenses

  • Save up a big down payment

  • Work on making your credit score better

  • Pay off other debts you have

  • Save up some extra money for emergencies

Good record-keeping is super important when you're self-employed. Keep track of all the money that comes in and goes out of your business. Use a good accounting system or hire a bookkeeper to help. This will make it easier to show lenders how much you really make.

Improving your credit score can help you get a better mortgage rate. Pay all your bills on time. Keep your credit card balances low. Don't apply for new credit too often. These things can all help boost your score.

Saving up a big down payment is a great idea. The more you can put down, the less risky you look to lenders. Aim for at least 20% of the home's price if you can. This will also help you avoid paying for mortgage insurance.

Paying off other debts is smart too. This lowers your debt-to-income ratio. That's a number lenders look at to see if you can afford a mortgage. The lower your other debts, the more likely you are to get approved.

Having extra savings is always a good idea when you're self-employed. Your income might go up and down. Extra savings can help you make your mortgage payments even in slow months. Aim to save up enough to cover 3-6 months of expenses.

Getting your finances in order takes time. Start working on this stuff as soon as you can. The better shape your money is in, the easier it will be to get a mortgage.

3. Gather Your Documentation

When you're self-employed, you need more paperwork to get a mortgage. Here's what you might need:

  • Tax returns for the last 2-3 years

  • Profit and loss statements for your business

  • Bank statements for personal and business accounts

  • Proof of any other income you have

  • A letter from your accountant

  • Copies of business licenses or professional certifications

Tax returns are super important for self-employed mortgage applicants. Lenders use these to see how much you really make. They'll probably want to see returns for at least the last two years. Make sure your returns are accurate and filed on time.

Profit and loss statements show how your business is doing. They list all your income and expenses. You might need to provide these for the current year and maybe the past year too. Make sure they match up with your tax returns.

Bank statements help prove your income too. Lenders will want to see both personal and business accounts. They'll look at how much money comes in and goes out each month. This helps them see if you can afford mortgage payments.

If you have other sources of income, you'll need to prove those too. This could be rental income, investments, or anything else. The more income you can show, the better your chances of getting approved.

A letter from your accountant can be really helpful. This letter should explain your business structure and confirm your income. It can help lenders understand your financial situation better.

Avoiding common mortgage mistakes is crucial. One big mistake is not having all your paperwork ready. Start gathering these documents early. Make sure everything is up to date and accurate. Having all your paperwork ready can make the mortgage process go much smoother.

4. Choose the Right Lender

Not all lenders are the same when it comes to self-employed borrowers. Here's how to find a good one:

  • Look for lenders who specialize in self-employed mortgages

  • Ask other self-employed people for recommendations

  • Check with small local banks or credit unions

  • Consider working with a mortgage broker

  • Compare offers from multiple lenders

Finding a lender who understands self-employment is key. Some lenders have special programs for self-employed people. These lenders know how to look at your finances in a way that makes sense for your situation.

Asking other self-employed people for advice can be really helpful. They might know lenders who are good at working with people like you. They can also tell you what to expect in the process.

Small local banks or credit unions might be more flexible than big banks. They often take more time to understand each borrower's situation. This can be good for self-employed people who don't fit the usual mold.

A mortgage broker can be a big help too. They work with lots of different lenders. They can help you find ones that are good for self-employed borrowers. They also know all the paperwork you'll need and can help you get it ready.

Getting the lowest mortgage interest rates is important. That's why it's smart to compare offers from different lenders. Don't just go with the first offer you get. Shop around and see who can give you the best deal.

Remember, getting a mortgage when you're self-employed might take longer than usual. Be patient and give yourself plenty of time. Start talking to lenders early, even before you're ready to buy. This can help you understand what you need to do to get approved.

5. Consider Alternative Mortgage Options

If regular mortgages are hard to get, there are other options. Here are some to think about:

  • Stated income mortgages

  • Bank statement loans

  • Portfolio loans

  • FHA loans

  • Hard money loans

  • Rent-to-own agreements

Stated income mortgages let you tell the lender how much you make without as much proof. These can be good for self-employed people, but they often have higher interest rates.

Bank statement loans use your bank statements to prove your income instead of tax returns. This can be good if you write off a lot of expenses on your taxes.

Portfolio loans are kept by the lender instead of being sold. This means the lender can be more flexible about who they approve. They might work with you even if you don't fit normal lending rules.

FHA loans are backed by the government. They can be easier to get than regular mortgages. They also let you make a smaller down payment. But they do have some extra costs.

Hard money loans are based mostly on the value of the property, not your income. They can be easier to get but usually have high interest rates and short terms.

Rent-to-own agreements let you rent a house with the option to buy it later. Part of your rent goes towards the purchase price. This can give you time to improve your finances before you apply for a mortgage.

Each of these options has good and bad points. Make sure you understand all the costs and risks before you choose one. It's a good idea to talk to a financial advisor or mortgage professional about which option might be best for you.

Remember, just because these options exist doesn't mean you should use them. Always try for a regular mortgage first. These alternative options usually cost more in the long run. Only use them if you really can't get a regular mortgage.


Getting a mortgage when you're self-employed can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. With good planning and the right approach, you can make your dream of homeownership come true. Remember these key points:

  • Keep great records of your income and expenses

  • Get your finances in the best shape possible

  • Gather all the documents you'll need ahead of time

  • Choose a lender who understands self-employed borrowers

  • Consider alternative options if regular mortgages are hard to get

Refinancing your mortgage in the future can help you save money, so keep that in mind as you move forward. And if you ever face trouble making payments, remember there are ways to handle mortgage default and foreclosure.

Start working on these steps now, even if you're not ready to buy yet. The better prepared you are, the smoother the process will be. With patience and persistence, you can secure a mortgage and buy your own home, even when you're self-employed. 

Get the Lowest Mortgage Rates: 6 Expert Tips to Save Big on Your Home Loan

Are you dreaming of owning a home but worried about high mortgage costs? Don't worry! With some smart moves, you can get a better deal on your mortgage.

This guide will show you how to find the lowest interest rates and save big money over time.

Tips for Getting the Lowest Mortgage Interest Rates

Tips for Getting the Lowest Mortgage Interest Rates

Boost Your Credit Score

Your credit score is super important when getting a mortgage. A higher score can help you get a lower interest rate. Here are some easy ways to make your credit score better:

  • Pay your bills on time
  • Keep your credit card balances low 
  • Don't open new credit cards too often
  • Check your credit report for mistakes

Learn more about improving your credit score for a better mortgage rate

A good credit score shows banks that you're good with money. This makes them more likely to give you a low interest rate. Even a small change in your rate can save you thousands of dollars over time. So it's worth taking some time to work on your credit before you apply for a mortgage.

Save for a Bigger Down Payment

Saving up for a bigger down payment can really help you get a lower interest rate. When you put more money down, the bank sees you as less risky. This means they might offer you a better deal.

Here are some tips to save more money for your down payment:

  • Make a budget and stick to it
  • Cut back on eating out and other fun expenses
  • Look for ways to earn extra money
  • Put your savings in a high-interest account

The more you can save, the better. A bigger down payment not only helps with your interest rate, but it also means you'll borrow less money overall. This can make your monthly payments smaller and help you pay off your mortgage faster.

Shop Around for the Best Rates

Don't just take the first mortgage offer you get. Shopping around can help you find much better deals. Here's how to do it:

  • Check rates with at least 3-5 different lenders
  • Look at both big banks and smaller lenders
  • Consider working with a mortgage broker
  • Don't forget to compare fees, not just interest rates

Avoid common mortgage mistakes by shopping around

When you compare offers from different lenders, you might be surprised at how much the rates can vary. Even a small difference can add up to big savings over the life of your loan. Don't be afraid to ask lenders if they can match or beat other offers you've received.

Consider Different Loan Types

There are different types of mortgages, and some might offer lower rates than others. Two main types to think about are:

  • Fixed-rate mortgages: The interest rate stays the same for the whole loan
  • Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs): The rate can change over time

Learn more about fixed vs. adjustable-rate mortgages

ARMs often start with lower rates than fixed-rate mortgages. This can be good if you plan to sell your home or refinance in a few years. But be careful – the rate can go up later, which might make your payments bigger.

Fixed-rate mortgages are more predictable. Your rate and payment stay the same, which can make budgeting easier. Think about your plans and what's most important to you when choosing between these options.

Improve Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is how much of your monthly income goes to paying debts. A lower DTI can help you get a better mortgage rate. Here's how to improve it:

  • Pay off credit card balances
  • Pay down other loans if you can
  • Try to increase your income
  • Don't take on new debts before applying for a mortgage

Lenders like to see a low DTI because it means you have more money available to make your mortgage payments. If you can lower your DTI before applying for a mortgage, you might qualify for a better rate.

Lock In Your Rate

Once you find a good rate, consider locking it in. This means the lender promises to give you that rate, even if rates go up before you close on your loan. Here are some things to know about rate locks:

  • Most locks last 30-60 days
  • Longer locks might cost more
  • Make sure the lock lasts until your expected closing date
  • Ask about a "float down" option in case rates go down

Locking in your rate can give you peace of mind during the home buying process. You won't have to worry about rates going up while you're waiting to close on your loan.


Getting the lowest mortgage interest rate takes some work, but it's worth the effort. By improving your credit, saving for a bigger down payment, and shopping around, you can save a lot of money over time. Remember to consider different loan types and think about your long-term plans.

If you're having trouble with your current mortgage, don't worry. There are options available. Learn how to handle mortgage default and foreclosure or find out how to refinance your mortgage and save money.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to getting the best possible deal on your mortgage. Happy house hunting!

Fixed vs. Adjustable Mortgages: Pros and Cons for Smart Homebuyers

Buying a home is a big step. One of the most important choices you'll make is what type of mortgage to get. The two main types are fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. Each has its good points and bad points. This article will help you understand both types so you can pick the best one for you.

Understanding Fixed vs. Adjustable Rate Mortgages: Pros and Cons

Fixed vs. Adjustable Mortgages: Pros and Cons for Smart Homebuyers

Fixed-Rate Mortgages

A fixed-rate mortgage keeps the same interest rate for the whole time you have the loan. This means your monthly payment stays the same too.

Pros of Fixed-Rate Mortgages:

  • Your payment never changes
  • Easy to plan your budget
  • Good if interest rates might go up

Cons of Fixed-Rate Mortgages:

  • Usually start with higher rates than adjustable-rate mortgages
  • If rates go down, your rate stays the same unless you refinance

Fixed-rate mortgages are great for people who like to know exactly what they'll pay each month. They're also good if you think interest rates might go up in the future. With a fixed rate, you don't have to worry about your payments getting bigger.

But fixed-rate mortgages often start with higher rates than adjustable ones. This means you might pay more at first. And if rates go down later, you'll miss out on savings unless you refinance your mortgageRefinancing can save you money, but it also costs money to do.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs)

An adjustable-rate mortgage has an interest rate that can change over time. Usually, it starts with a lower rate than a fixed-rate mortgage. But after a set time, the rate can go up or down based on the market.

Pros of Adjustable-Rate Mortgages:

  • Lower rates at the start
  • Payments might go down if rates drop
  • Good for short-term homeowners

Cons of Adjustable-Rate Mortgages:

  • Payments can go up if rates rise
  • Harder to plan your budget
  • Can be risky if rates increase a lot

ARMs often start with lower rates than fixed-rate mortgages. This means smaller payments at first. If market rates go down, your payments might too. This can be great if you only plan to stay in your home for a short time.

But ARMs can be risky. If rates go up, your payments will too. This can make it hard to plan your budget. In some cases, payments can go up so much that people can't afford them anymore. If this happens, you might face mortgage default or foreclosureLearn how to handle mortgage default if you're worried about this.

Choosing Between Fixed and Adjustable Rates

Picking between a fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgage depends on your situation. Here are some things to think about:

  • How long do you plan to stay in the home?
  • Are you okay with payments that might change?
  • What do you think will happen with interest rates?
  • How much risk can you handle?

If you plan to live in your home for a long time and want steady payments, a fixed-rate mortgage might be best. If you're okay with some risk and want lower payments at first, an ARM could work.

Remember, your credit score affects what rate you can get. Improving your credit score can help you get a better rate on either type of mortgage.


Choosing between a fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgage is a big decision. Both have good and bad points. Fixed-rate mortgages offer steady payments but might cost more at first. ARMs start with lower rates but can change over time.

Think about your plans, your budget, and how much risk you're okay with. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get help. The right choice can save you money and stress in the long run.

Remember to avoid common mortgage mistakes when making your decision. With the right information and careful thinking, you can choose the best mortgage for your needs.

Mortgage Default or Foreclosure: How to Handle It and Save Your Home

Falling behind on your mortgage payments can be scary. You might worry about losing your home.

But don't panic! There are steps you can take to handle a mortgage default or foreclosure.

This guide will help you understand your options and take action to protect your home and finances.

How to Handle a Mortgage Default or Foreclosure

How to Handle a Mortgage Default or Foreclosure

Understanding Mortgage Default

A mortgage default happens when you miss payments on your home loan. This can lead to foreclosure if not addressed. Here's what you need to know:

  • default usually occurs after missing several payments
  • Your lender will send you a notice of default
  • You typically have 90 days to catch up on payments
  • Fees and penalties may be added to your balance

It's important to act fast when you receive a default notice. The sooner you take action, the more options you'll have to save your home.

Must Read - Boost Your Credit Score for Better Mortgage Rates: 5 Proven Strategies

Communication with Your Lender

Talking to your lender is a key step in handling a mortgage default. Here's how to approach this:

  • Contact your lender as soon as you know you'll miss a payment
  • Be honest about your financial situation
  • Ask about hardship programs or payment plans
  • Keep a record of all conversations and agreements

Remember, lenders often prefer to work with you rather than go through foreclosure. They may offer solutions to help you get back on track with your payments.

Exploring Your Options

There are several ways to deal with a mortgage default. Some options include:

  • Loan modification: Changing the terms of your loan
  • Refinancing: Getting a new loan with better terms
  • Forbearance: Temporarily pausing or reducing payments
  • Short sale: Selling your home for less than you owe
  • Deed in lieu of foreclosure: Giving your home back to the lender

Each option has pros and cons. It's important to understand how each choice will affect your finances and credit score.

Seeking Professional Help

Dealing with a mortgage default can be complex. Getting expert advice can help:

  • Talk to a housing counselor approved by HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
  • Consult a financial advisor about your overall money situation
  • Consider hiring a lawyer who specializes in foreclosure law

These professionals can explain your rights, help you understand complex documents, and guide you through the process of saving your home.

Must Read - Avoid Common Mortgage Mistakes: Expert Tips for Smart Homebuyers

Creating a Financial Plan

To avoid future defaults, it's important to get your finances in order:

  • Make a budget to track income and expenses
  • Look for ways to cut spending and increase income
  • Set up an emergency fund for unexpected costs
  • Consider credit counseling to manage overall debt

A solid financial plan can help you stay on track with mortgage payments and avoid default in the future.


Facing a mortgage default or foreclosure is tough, but you have options.

By understanding the process, talking to your lender, exploring different solutions, and getting expert help, you can take control of the situation.

Remember, acting quickly and staying informed are key to protecting your home and financial future.

Don't lose hope – with the right steps, you can overcome this challenge and move forward.

Refinance Your Mortgage: A Guide to Saving Money on Your Home Loan

Are you feeling the pinch of high mortgage payments? Refinancing your home loan might be the key to unlocking significant savings.

This guide will walk you through the process of refinancing your mortgage, helping you understand the benefits and steps involved.

By the end, you'll have a clear picture of how refinancing can put more money in your pocket and make homeownership more affordable.

How to Refinance Your Mortgage to Save Money

How to Refinance Your Mortgage to Save Money

What is Mortgage Refinancing?

Mortgage refinancing is the process of replacing your current home loan with a new one, often with better terms. Here's why people choose to refinance:

  • Lower interest rates: Securing a lower rate can reduce monthly payments
  • Shorter loan term: Pay off your mortgage faster
  • Switch from adjustable to fixed rate: Lock in a steady interest rate
  • Cash-out refinance: Borrow against your home's equity

Refinancing can be a smart financial move if done at the right time and for the right reasons. It's not just about getting a new loan; it's about improving your overall financial health.

When you refinance, you're essentially starting over with a new loan. This means you'll go through a similar process as when you first bought your home. The bank will look at your credit score, income, and the current value of your home. If everything checks out, you could end up with a loan that saves you money every month.

But refinancing isn't always the best choice for everyone. It's important to consider the costs involved and how long you plan to stay in your home. Sometimes, the fees associated with refinancing can outweigh the potential savings, especially if you're planning to move in the near future.

Must ReadCommon Mortgage Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Steps to Refinance Your Mortgage

  1. Check your credit score
  2. Determine your home's value
  3. Shop around for the best rates
  4. Gather necessary documents
  5. Apply for the new loan
  6. Get an appraisal
  7. Close on the new loan

Each step in the refinancing process is important. Let's start with checking your credit score. A good credit score can help you get better interest rates. If your score has improved since you got your original mortgage, you might be in for some significant savings.

Next, you'll want to know how much your home is worth. The value of your home affects how much you can borrow and the rates you'll be offered. You can get a rough idea by looking at similar homes in your area that have sold recently.

Shopping around is crucial. Don't just go with your current lender; check with several banks and mortgage companies. Even a small difference in interest rates can add up to thousands of dollars over the life of your loan.

When you're ready to apply, you'll need to gather documents like pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements. Be prepared to provide a lot of information about your finances.

The appraisal is an important part of the process. An expert will determine the current value of your home, which helps the lender decide how much they're willing to lend you.

Finally, you'll close on the new loan, just like you did with your original mortgage. This is when you'll sign all the paperwork and make it official.

Benefits of Refinancing

Refinancing can offer several advantages:

  • Lower monthly payments
  • Save on total interest paid
  • Build equity faster
  • Eliminate private mortgage insurance (PMI)
  • Consolidate debt

The most obvious benefit of refinancing is often a lower monthly payment. This can free up cash for other important things in your budget, like saving for retirement or your children's education.

Over the life of your loan, a lower interest rate can save you tens of thousands of dollars. This is money that stays in your pocket instead of going to the bank.

If you choose a shorter loan term, you might be able to build equity in your home faster. While your monthly payments might be higher, you'll own your home outright sooner.

For some homeowners, refinancing can help eliminate private mortgage insurance. If your home's value has increased, you might have enough equity to drop this extra cost.

Some people use a cash-out refinance to consolidate high-interest debt, like credit card balances. By rolling this debt into your mortgage, you might be able to lower your overall monthly debt payments.

When to Consider Refinancing

Knowing when to refinance is just as important as knowing how. Here are some signs it might be time:

  • Interest rates have dropped significantly since you got your mortgage
  • Your credit score has improved
  • You've built up equity in your home
  • You want to switch from an adjustable-rate to a fixed-rate mortgage
  • You need to lower your monthly payments

The key is to make sure the savings outweigh the costs. Refinancing isn't free; there are fees involved. You'll need to calculate your break-even point - how long it will take for your savings to cover the cost of refinancing.

As a general rule, if you can lower your interest rate by at least 0.75% to 1%, refinancing might make sense. But remember, this is just a guideline. Your specific situation might be different.

If you're planning to move in the next few years, refinancing might not be worth it. The costs might outweigh the short-term savings. But if you're planning to stay in your home for a long time, even small savings can add up over the years.


Refinancing your mortgage can be a powerful tool to save money and improve your financial situation. By lowering your interest rate, reducing your monthly payments, or shortening your loan term, you can potentially save thousands of dollars over the life of your loan.

Remember, the key to successful refinancing is doing your homework. Shop around, understand the costs involved, and make sure the math works in your favor. With careful planning and the right timing, refinancing can help you take control of your mortgage and move closer to your financial goals.

Whether you're looking to free up cash each month, pay off your home faster, or tap into your home's equity, refinancing might be the solution you've been looking for. Take the first step today by checking your credit score and researching current interest rates. Your future self might thank you for the smart financial decision you make now.

Avoid Common Mortgage Mistakes: Expert Tips for Smart Homebuyers

Buying a home is exciting! But it can also be tricky. Many people make mistakes when they get a mortgage. A mortgage is a big loan to buy a house. These mistakes can cost you a lot of money. They can even make it hard to keep your home.

But don't worry! We're here to help. In this article, we'll talk about common mortgage mistakes and how to avoid them

By the end, you'll know how to make smart choices when getting a mortgage.

Common Mortgage Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mortgage Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Mistake 1: Not Checking Your Credit Score

Your credit score is very important when you want to get a mortgage. It's like a report card for how well you handle money.

Banks look at your credit score to decide if they should give you a loan. They also use it to choose what interest rate to give you. Interest is the extra money you pay when you borrow money.

Here's why checking your credit score is so important:

  • good credit score can help you get a better interest rate
  • low credit score might mean you have to pay more money over time
  • Knowing your score helps you fix mistakes before you apply for a mortgage

To avoid this mistake, check your credit score before you start looking for a house. You can get a free credit report once a year. Look at it carefully. If you see any mistakes, tell the credit company right away.

If your score is low, try to make it better. Pay your bills on time. Don't use too much of your credit card limit. These things can help raise your score. A better score can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage. 

Must Read - Boost Your Credit Score for Better Mortgage Rates: 5 Proven Strategies

Mistake 2: Not Shopping Around for the Best Rate

When you want to buy something big, like a TV or a car, you probably look at different stores to find the best price.

The same idea is true for mortgages. Different banks and lenders offer different interest rates and fees.

Some people make the mistake of taking the first offer they get. This can cost them a lot of money over time.

Here's why shopping around is so important:

  • You might find a lower interest rate, which saves you money
  • Different lenders have different fees, so you can find the best deal
  • You can compare different types of mortgages to see what works best for you

To avoid this mistake, talk to at least three different lenders. Ask them about their rates and fees.

Get everything in writing so you can compare them easily. Don't just look at the interest rate. Look at the total cost of the loan over time. This includes things like closing costs and other fees.

Some lenders might offer a low rate but have high fees. Others might have a slightly higher rate but lower fees.

By shopping around, you can find the best overall deal for you. This can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage.

Mistake 3: Not Understanding the Terms of Your Mortgage

A mortgage has a lot of words and numbers that can be confusing. Some people make the mistake of signing papers without really understanding what they mean.

This can lead to big problems later. You might end up paying more than you thought or having trouble keeping your home.

Here are some important things to understand about your mortgage:

  • The interest rate and whether it can change over time
  • The length of the loan (how many years you'll be paying)
  • Any special fees or costs that come with the loan
  • What happens if you miss a payment or want to pay off the loan early

To avoid this mistake, ask lots of questions. Don't be shy! It's your money and your home. If something doesn't make sense, ask the lender to explain it again.

You can also bring a friend or family member who knows about mortgages to help you. Some people even hire a lawyer to look over the papers. It might cost a little money, but it can save you from big problems later.

Make sure you understand every part of your mortgage before you sign anything. This way, you won't have any surprises down the road. You'll know exactly what you're agreeing to and can plan for the future better.

Mistake 4: Borrowing Too Much Money

It's easy to get excited when you're buying a house. You might see a big, beautiful home and want to buy it right away.

But some people make the mistake of borrowing too much money. They get a mortgage that's hard to pay back. This can lead to a lot of stress and money problems.

Here's why borrowing too much is a big mistake:

  • You might have trouble paying your bills each month
  • You might not have money for other important things, like saving for the future
  • If something bad happens, like losing your job, you might lose your house

To avoid this mistake, think carefully about how much you can afford. Don't just look at the monthly payment. Think about all your other expenses too. This includes things like food, car payments, and saving for emergencies.

A good rule is to keep your housing costs at about 28% of your income or less. This means if you make $1000 a month, you should try to spend no more than $280 on your mortgage and other housing costs.

It's also a good idea to have some savings before you buy a house. This way, you have extra money if something unexpected happens.

Remember, it's better to buy a smaller house you can easily afford than a big house that causes you stress. You can always move to a bigger house later when you have more money.


Buying a home is a big step. It's exciting, but it can also be scary. By avoiding these common mortgage mistakes, you can make the process easier and save money.

Remember to check your credit score, shop around for the best rate, understand your mortgage terms, and borrow only what you can afford. These steps will help you make smart choices. They'll also help you feel more confident about your mortgage.

With the right knowledge and careful planning, you can find a great home and a mortgage that works for you. Happy house hunting!

Boost Your Credit Score for Better Mortgage Rates: 5 Proven Strategies

How to Improve Your Credit Score for a Better Mortgage Rate

Understanding Credit Scores

Your credit score is like a report card for how well you handle money. It's a number that tells banks and other lenders if you're good at paying back money you borrow. The higher your credit score, the more banks trust you. This trust means they might give you better deals when you want to borrow money, like for a house.

Credit scores usually range from 300 to 850. A good score is usually above 700. If your score is lower, don't worry! There are ways to make it better. Your credit score is based on things like:

  • How well you pay your bills on time
  • How much money you owe compared to how much you can borrow
  • How long you've had credit cards or loans
  • The different types of credit you have
  • How many new credit accounts you've opened recently

Knowing what goes into your credit score is the first step to making it better. Remember, your credit score can change over time based on how you handle money. So even if it's not great now, you can improve it with some work.

How to Improve Your Credit Score for a Better Mortgage Rate

Checking Your Credit Report

Before you can make your credit better, you need to know what it looks like now. You can get a free report of your credit once a year from each of the three main credit bureaus. These bureaus are called Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can get these reports by going to

When you get your report, look at it carefully. Make sure all the information is right. Sometimes there might be mistakes. If you find any errors, you should tell the credit bureau right away. They have to check and fix any wrong information.

Here's what to look for in your credit report:

  • Your personal information (like your name and address)
  • Your credit accounts (like credit cards and loans)
  • Public records (like bankruptcies)
  • Inquiries (when someone has checked your credit)

If you see accounts you don't recognize or late payments you think are wrong, these could be hurting your credit score unfairly. Fixing these errors can help your score go up.

It's a good idea to check your credit report regularly, not just when you're planning to get a mortgage. This way, you can catch and fix any problems early.

Paying Bills on Time

Paying your bills on time is one of the most important things you can do to improve your credit score. When you pay late, it can hurt your score a lot. Even one late payment can stay on your credit report for up to seven years!

Here are some tips to help you pay your bills on time:

  1. Make a list of all your bills and when they're due.
  2. Set up reminders on your phone or calendar so you don't forget.
  3. If you can, set up automatic payments from your bank account.
  4. If you're having trouble paying a bill, call the company and ask if they can change the due date or give you more time.

Remember, it's not just credit card bills that matter. Other bills like rent, utilities, and phone bills can also affect your credit score if they're reported to the credit bureaus.

If you've missed payments in the past, don't worry. Start paying on time now. The more recent on-time payments you have, the better your credit score will be. Over time, the effect of old late payments will get smaller.

Paying your bills on time shows lenders that you're responsible with money. This can help you get a better mortgage rate when you're ready to buy a house.

Reducing Credit Card Balances

How much money you owe on your credit cards is another big part of your credit score. If you're using a lot of your available credit, it can lower your score. This is called your credit utilization ratio. It's best to keep this ratio below 30%. This means if you can borrow $1000, you should try to owe less than $300.

Here are some ways to reduce your credit card balances:

  1. Pay more than the minimum payment each month.
  2. If you have extra money, use it to pay down your credit card debt.
  3. Try to use your credit cards less. Use cash or a debit card instead when you can.
  4. If you have balances on multiple cards, focus on paying off the card with the highest interest rate first.
  5. Consider a balance transfer to a card with a lower interest rate, but be careful of fees.

Reducing your credit card balances can have a quick positive effect on your credit score. As your balances go down, your score can go up. This is because it shows you're using less of your available credit and managing your money well.

Remember, it's okay to use your credit cards. In fact, using them and paying them off regularly can help your credit score. The key is not to use too much of your available credit and to pay off the balance each month if you can.

Keeping Old Credit Accounts Open

You might think closing old credit card accounts you don't use anymore is a good idea. But for your credit score, it's often better to keep them open. Why? Because the length of your credit history is part of your credit score. Older accounts can help show that you have a long history of managing credit.

Here's why keeping old accounts open can help:

  1. It increases the average age of your credit accounts.
  2. It can lower your credit utilization ratio by giving you more available credit.
  3. It keeps your credit mix diverse, which is good for your score.

If you have old credit cards you don't use, try to use them for small purchases every few months. This keeps the accounts active. Just make sure to pay off the balance right away.

If a card has an annual fee and you're not using it, you might want to close it. But think carefully before you do. The benefit to your credit score might be worth the fee. If you do decide to close an account, try to close newer ones first.

Remember, the goal is to show a long, positive history of managing credit. Keeping old accounts open, even if you don't use them much, can help with this. Just make sure to check these accounts regularly to make sure there's no fraudulent activity.

Limiting New Credit Applications

When you apply for new credit, like a credit card or loan, the lender usually does a "hard inquiry" on your credit report. This can lower your credit score a little bit. If you do this too many times in a short period, it can lower your score more.

Here are some tips for managing credit applications:

  1. Only apply for new credit when you really need it.
  2. If you're shopping for a loan, try to do all your applications within a short time (like 14-45 days). This way, they might count as only one inquiry.
  3. Don't open new credit accounts just to have a better credit mix. This probably won't help your score much and could hurt it.
  4. Be careful with store credit cards. They often have high interest rates and can tempt you to spend more.

Remember, "soft inquiries" (like when you check your own credit or when a company checks it for a pre-approved offer) don't affect your score. It's the "hard inquiries" from actual credit applications that can lower it.

If you're planning to apply for a mortgage soon, it's especially important to avoid applying for new credit. Lenders like to see a stable credit history when they're considering giving you a big loan like a mortgage.


Improving your credit score takes time and effort, but it's worth it when you're trying to get a good mortgage rate. Remember these key points:

  1. Check your credit report and fix any errors.
  2. Pay all your bills on time.
  3. Reduce your credit card balances.
  4. Keep old credit accounts open.
  5. Don't apply for new credit unless you really need it.

By following these steps, you can improve your credit score over time. A better credit score can help you get a lower interest rate on your mortgage. This can save you a lot of money over the life of your loan.

Remember, everyone's financial situation is different. If you need help, consider talking to a financial advisor or a credit counselor. They can give you personalized advice on how to improve your credit score and prepare for a mortgage.

Improving your credit score is an important step in buying a home. With patience and good financial habits, you can work towards a better credit score and a better mortgage rate.

Nancy Cordes Weight Loss: How She Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months

Nancy Cordes Weight Loss Journey

Nancy Cordes, the Chief Congressional Correspondent for CBS News, has inspired many with her incredible weight loss transformation. Over the past few years, Nancy has lost over 50 pounds through diet and exercise. Her weight loss journey demonstrates that with determination and perseverance, it's possible to lead a healthier lifestyle at any age.

Introduction to Nancy Cordes Weight Loss Story

Nancy Cordes has been a correspondent at CBS News since 2007. She covered Capitol Hill for 9 years before becoming the network's Chief Congressional Correspondent in 2016.

In 2017, at the age of 46, Nancy decided it was time to take control of her health and lose weight. She had struggled with her weight her entire life and wanted to make a change.

At her heaviest, Nancy weighed nearly 200 pounds and was considered obese for her height of 5'5". She realized that being overweight was impacting her energy levels and making her more prone to illnesses like diabetes and heart disease.

Nancy spoke openly about wanting to get healthy and set a good example for her two young daughters. She was determined to lose weight through diet and exercise and completely transform her lifestyle.

Nancy Cordes Weight Loss Plan

Nancy took a multi-pronged approach to lose the excess weight. Here are the main pillars of her successful weight loss plan:

Adopting a Low-Carb, High-Protein Diet

Nancy worked with a nutritionist to craft a healthy diet lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein. This type of diet helps stabilize blood sugar levels and prevents energy crashes.

She cut out refined carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and baked goods and began eating more vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and dairy. Nancy learned to shop the perimeter of the grocery store focusing on whole, unprocessed foods.

Starting an Exercise Routine

Along with eating healthier, Nancy knew she had to become more active. She began doing cardio and strength training 4-5 times a week.

Nancy worked with a personal trainer to create an exercise plan that mixed aerobic activity like walking, swimming, and using the elliptical with weightlifting and bodyweight exercises.

Tracking Calories

Nancy carefully tracked her food intake each day, paying close attention to portion sizes. She used a calorie counting app to stay accountable and ensure she was eating at a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Intermittent Fasting

In addition to her diet, Nancy adopted an intermittent fasting schedule. She would fast for 16 hours each day, only eating within an 8 hour window.

Intermittent fasting helped accelerate Nancy's weight loss and improve her metabolism. Her fasting schedule often involved skipping breakfast and eating between 12pm-8pm.

Nancy Cordes Weight Loss Results

Nancy's diligent diet and exercise regimen paid off in a big way. Within 7 months, she lost 50 pounds and completely transformed her figure.

She went from a size 14 dress to a trim size 6. At 133 pounds, Nancy had reached a healthy weight for the first time in her adult life.

The weight loss required sacrifices, but Nancy says it was all worth it. "There were days when it was really hard, but I kept reminding myself of the big picture," she said.

Nancy feels better physically and mentally and has much more energy to keep up with her daughters. Her impressive slim down has inspired many people to work on their own health and wellness.

How Nancy Cordes Lost 50 Pounds

Nancy Cordes relied on several effective weight loss strategies to go from 197 pounds to 147 pounds. Here are some of the key factors in her weight loss success:

1. Cutting Out Added Sugars

One of the first dietary changes Nancy made was eliminating added sugar from her diet. She stopped consuming sugary sodas, packaged snacks, desserts, and condiments with added sugar. This single change cut out hundreds of empty calories each day.

2. Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss

Rather than focusing solely on the numbers on the scale, Nancy concentrated on losing body fat. She adds strength training to build lean muscle and boost her metabolism. The combination of cardio, weights and a high protein diet helped Nancy's body composition transform as she got leaner.

3. Accountability Partners

Nancy knew she needed support to stay on track with her diet and exercise goals. She found accountability partners including her husband, personal trainer and coworkers. They helped motivate Nancy, answered questions and provided social support.

4. Relief from Joint Pain

One of Nancy's motivations for losing weight was relieving the joint pain she experienced from being obese. The excess weight stressed her knees, hips and back. As the pounds came off, her pain dissipated and mobility improved.

5. Small, Sustainable Changes

Nancy focused on making small, manageable tweaks to her lifestyle instead of attempting a radical overhaul. She gradually phased out unhealthy foods while adding more activity. This sustainable approach made her weight loss more achievable in the long run.

Benefits Nancy Cordes Experienced After Losing 50 Pounds

By losing over 50 pounds, Nancy Cordes improved her health in many measurable ways:

  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Reduced inflammation throughout her body
  • Higher energy levels and improved mood
  • Less joint pain and discomfort
  • Better sleep quality
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Able to be more active with her kids
  • Decreased risk for obesity-related diseases
  • Fitter into clothes she hadn't worn in years
  • Inspiration for friends and family to get healthier

Nancy says losing the weight has been life-changing. She plans to maintain her healthy habits and keep the weight off long-term.

Nancy Cordes Best Weight Loss Tips

After her dramatic slim down, Nancy Cordes shared advice for others trying to lose weight:

  • Find accountability partners - Enlist friends, family or colleagues to support you on your weight loss journey. Share your goals and progress.

  • Take progress photos - Documenting your slim down with photos can motivate you to keep going during challenging times.

  • Be patient - Remember that weight loss takes time. Stick with it even if you hit plateaus. Consistency is key.

  • Schedule workouts - Just like important meetings, put exercise on your calendar. You're more likely to follow through if it's planned.

  • Meal prep - Spend time prepping healthy meals and snacks for the week ahead. It makes eating well so much easier.

  • Listen to your body - Don't deprive yourself. Nourish your body with whole, energizing foods it truly needs.

  • Focus on how you feel - The improved energy, reduced pain and confidence you gain will keep you motivated.

How Nancy Cordes Avoided Weight Regain

Losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off long-term is a bigger challenge. Nancy Cordes used these strategies to avoid regaining the 50 pounds she lost:

  • Stuck with her high protein, lower carb diet
  • Kept weighing herself weekly
  • Continued doing cardio and strength training 4-5 times a week
  • Held herself accountable by sharing her weight with family/friends
  • Prepared meals and snacks in advance to prevent impulsive eating
  • Allowed occasional treats in moderation without guilt
  • Stayed hydrated by drinking water throughout the day
  • Got 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • Managed stress with yoga, meditation and relaxing baths
  • Remained focused on maintaining her health rather than the number on the scale

By making her weight loss habits a permanent lifestyle, Nancy has kept the weight off for over 3 years and counting!

Common Weight Loss Struggles Nancy Cordes Faced

While Nancy Cordes weight loss journey was ultimately successful, it wasn't without its struggles. Here are some of the challenges she faced along the way:


Like many people trying to lose weight, Nancy hit plateaus where her weight didn't budge for weeks at a time. She combatted them by changing up her workouts, increasing activity, and ensuring she wasn't consuming hidden calories.


Nancy admits there were many times she questioned if she could really make the necessary lifestyle changes. Whenever self-doubt crept in, she reminded herself how far she'd already come.

Missing Favorite Foods

Giving up comfort foods and baked goods was difficult for Nancy, especially when cravings struck. She found healthier substitutes when possible or allowed small portions.

Social Pressures

Dining out, parties and work functions are challenging when you're watching your weight. Nancy planned ahead as much as possible and didn't beat herself up over occasional indulgences.

Lack of Energy

Between her busy job and caring for kids, Nancy's energy levels were depleted. She combatted fatigue by meal prepping, going to bed earlier and drinking lots of water.

By persevering through the obstacles, Nancy was able to reach her weight loss goal and maintain her results long-term.

How Nancy Cordes Handled Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Losing 50+ pounds can sometimes result in loose, sagging skin. Nancy Cordes took some proactive steps to help tighten her skin after slimming down:

  • She lost weight slowly over 7 months, which gave her skin more time to snap back.
  • Nancy incorporated weight training into her regimen to build muscle and naturally fill out skin.
  • She used creams with collagen, retinol, and antioxidants to improve skin elasticity.
  • Treatments like ultrasound, radiofrequency and massage helped tighten and smooth skin.
  • Drinking lots of water kept Nancy's skin hydrated and supple.
  • Nancy accepted that despite her best efforts, a little loose skin was inevitable and saw it as a badge of honor.
  • She focused on the incredible accomplishment of weight loss rather than fixating on skin imperfections.

While Nancy was fortunate not to have extreme loose skin, she used multiple strategies to tighten what she could and had a healthy attitude about her body.

How Nancy Cordes & Her Weight Loss Inspires Others

Nancy Cordes deserves immense credit for her weight loss efforts, which have motivated so many. Here's a look at how she inspires others with her story:

Inspiring Other Busy Moms

Nancy proved that even busy working moms can make time for diet and exercise. Her tips on meal prepping and efficient workouts show moms they can put themselves first.

Inspiring People in Their 40s & Beyond

By losing significant weight in her mid-late 40s, Nancy shows that it's never too late to get healthy. Her success motivates people to take control at any age.

Inspiring Other Women

Strong, successful women like Nancy are role models for other ladies seeking to improve their health and feel confident. Her vulnerable weight loss journey is relatable and inspiring.

Inspiring People Tired of Diet Failures

For those who have tried and failed to lose weight many times, Nancy's story provides hope. Her perseverance through plateaus and struggles motivates others to keep going.

Inspiring People with Health Conditions

Nancy's dramatic weight loss significantly improved her joint pain and inflammation. Her story shows how losing weight can be life-changing for health issues.

At 50 years old, Nancy looks and feels better than ever thanks to her inspirational weight loss journey. She motivates countless others to take steps towards a happier, healthier life.

10 Tips from Nancy Cordes for Sustainable Weight Loss

After sharing her incredible weight loss success, Nancy Cordes provided these 10 tips for anyone looking to lose weight sustainably:

  1. Keep tempting foods out of your home so unhealthy choices aren't easy.

  2. Listen to educational podcasts about health when exercising to motivate you.

  3. Find an eating plan you enjoy and can realistically maintain long-term.

  4. Set mini goals along your weight loss journey to celebrate small wins.

  5. Take progress pics to visualize your slimming down when the scale gets discouraging.

  6. Buy a fitness tracker to stay accountable for daily activity and movement.

  7. Schedule workouts with friends to make fitness fun and social.

  8. Stay hydrated with water to control hunger and support your metabolism.

  9. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage when you need some pampering and self-care.

  10. Focus on consistency rather than perfection. Not everyday will be perfect, and that’s okay!

Nancy knows sustainable weight loss takes patience and commitment. By following her tips, you can lose weight in a healthy, maintainable way just like she did.


How much weight did Nancy Cordes lose?

Nancy lost an impressive 50 pounds, going from 197 pounds down to 147 pounds.

How long did it take Nancy Cordes to lose the weight?

It took Nancy about 7 months to lose the 50 pounds through diet and dedicated exercise.

What was Nancy's dress size before and after?

Nancy went from wearing a size 14 dress to a size 6 after losing the weight.

What is Nancy Cordes diet?

She follows a high protein, lower carbohydrate diet with lots of lean protein and fresh produce. Nancy avoids added sugars.

What exercise does Nancy Cordes do?

She incorporates both cardio and weight training 4-5 days per week. Nancy enjoys swimming, running, Pilates and lifting weights.

What motivated Nancy Cordes to lose weight?

Nancy wanted to get healthy to keep up with her daughters and alleviate her joint pain. She was determined to lead by example.

How did Nancy Cordes deal with loose skin after weight loss?

She used creams, treatments and weight training to tighten skin. Nancy also accepted that some loose skin was inevitable.

How has weight loss changed Nancy's life?

She has more energy, less pain, improved labs, and increased confidence. Nancy feels healthier than ever in her 50s.


Nancy Cordes dramatic weight loss demonstrates that permanent lifestyle changes are possible when you commit to diet and exercise. Her inspiring story shows that middle age is not too late to transform your body and health for the better.

Nancy's weight loss journey reveals the importance of self-motivation, support systems, and resilience when faced with challenges. By embracing healthier habits, Nancy gained tremendous benefits beyond just a slimmer physique.

At 50 years old, Nancy looks and feels better than ever. She hopes her story inspires other women and moms to believe they too can lose weight and reclaim their health. Consistency, positivity and determination were the keys to Nancy's success.

Jorge Garcia Weight Loss: How Lost Star Dropped 100+ Pounds

Jorge Garcia Weight Loss Journey

Jorge Garcia is best known for his role as Hugo "Hurley" Reyes on the hit TV show Lost. Over the course of the show, fans noticed Jorge Garcia's weight fluctuate dramatically. At his heaviest, Jorge tipped the scales at 400 pounds. However, through hard work and determination, Jorge has lost over 100 pounds and completely transformed his body.

Jorge's weight loss journey is an inspiration to countless people struggling with obesity. In this article, we will take a closer look at how Jorge Garcia lost weight and provide tips and strategies anyone can use to achieve long-term weight loss success.

Jorge Garcia's Struggle with Weight

Even from a young age, Jorge Garcia struggled with his weight. During his teenage years in San Clemente, California, Jorge weighed over 250 pounds.

As an adult, Jorge's weight escalated even further. While filming Lost in Hawaii, Jorge Garcia weight reached nearly 400 pounds. Long days on set with a constant supply of food didn't help Jorge's waistline.

Jorge's weight not only affected his self-confidence but also posed serious health risks like:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea

Jorge realized he needed to make major lifestyle changes to get back in shape and improve his wellbeing.

How Jorge Garcia Lost 100 Pounds

Losing a significant amount of weight is difficult, requiring commitment, patience, and hard work. Here are the main strategies Jorge Garcia used to slim down from 400 pounds to under 300 pounds:

1. Adopting a High-Protein Diet

The foundation of Jorge's weight loss program was switching to a high-protein, low-carb diet. Protein fills you up faster and reduces cravings. Jorge emphasized protein-rich foods like:

  • Chicken and turkey
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Lean beef
  • Nuts and seeds

Meanwhile, he cut out sugar, processed carbs, and other empty calorie foods.

2. Lifting Weights and Interval Training

While diet is crucial for weight loss, exercise also plays a key role. Jorge Garcia's workout routine focused on:

  • Weight training to build muscle and boost metabolism
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn fat

Adding muscle through resistance training is particularly important. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, allowing you to lose weight faster.

3. Working with a Trainer

Embarking on an intensive diet and exercise program is difficult alone. Jorge Garcia enlisted the help of a personal trainer to design a customized workout plan and keep him motivated.

Having an expert guide makes it more likely you will stick to your regimen and reach your goals. A trainer also ensures you exercise safely, especially when lifting heavy weights.

4. Setting Gradual Goals

Jorge Garcia didn't try to lose 100 pounds immediately. He broke the process down into smaller, short-term goals like losing 10 pounds per month.

Setting gradual targets makes weight loss seem less intimidating and reduces frustration. It also provides more frequent opportunities for celebration and keeps you focused.

5. Getting Supportive Accountability

When trying to lose weight, having supportive people around you is critical. Jorge Garcia let close friends and the cast of Lost know about his goals which helped keep him accountable.

Telling others about your weight loss plans makes you more likely to follow through. You don't want to let down those who are rooting for your success.

Jorge Garcia Weight Before and After

At his heaviest while filming Lost, Jorge Garcia weighed almost 400 pounds. Years later, through strict dieting and exercising, he has lost over 100 pounds.

While Jorge prefers to avoid discussing exact weights, photos show his incredible transformation:

Jorge Garcia Before And After

Jorge Garcia before and after losing over 100 pounds.

Jorge looks like a completely different person since shedding the pounds. Let's examine some of the main changes to his appearance after losing weight:

  • Smaller waist and leaner midsection
  • Loss of double chin
  • More defined facial features
  • Thinner legs and arms
  • Better muscle tone throughout body

Dropping over 100 pounds has not only improved Jorge's looks but also greatly benefited his health. Jorge had to lose weight to protect himself from obesity-related illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.

Jorge Garcia's Weight Loss Diet Plan

The cornerstone of Jorge Garcia's weight loss regimen was overhauling his diet. Jorge cut out the junk food and unhealthy snacks that contributed to his obesity.

Here are some key elements of the custom diet plan Jorge used to lose over 100 pounds:

  • High-protein - Jorge centered his diet around protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs, and Greek yogurt. Protein is satiating and aids weight loss.
  • Low-carb - He avoided foods high in refined carbs like pasta, chips, cereals, bread, rice, and crackers. These foods spike blood sugar and insulin, stimulating fat storage.
  • Healthy fats - His diet included monounsaturated and omega-3 fats from olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. Good fats improve heart health and regulate appetite.
  • Lots of veggies - Jorge loaded up on leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and other vitamin-rich vegetables low in calories.
  • Daily fruit - He also consumed antioxidant-packed fruits like berries and apples which provide fiber.
  • No sugary drinks - Jorge cut out sodas, juices, sweetened coffees, and other high-calorie beverages. He stuck to water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee.

This balanced, whole food diet provided enough calories for energy but an overall daily deficit for weight loss. It delivered ample nutrition without excess junk calories from processed foods.

Jorge Garcia's Weight Loss Workout Routine

Along with transforming his diet, Jorge Garcia added regular exercise to help him lose over 100 pounds.

Jorge took a two-pronged approach - incorporating both cardio and strength training into his weekly routine:

Cardio Workouts

  • Low to moderate intensity cardio like walking, elliptical, stationary biking, and swimming
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT) involving short bursts of max effort like sprints, hill climbs, and bike intervals
  • Active recovery on non-HIIT days, like leisurely hiking

This combination provided calorie-burning aerobic activity without overtaxing the joints.

Strength Training

  • 2-3 days per week of lifting weights
  • Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and pull-ups
  • Higher reps with moderate weight to tone and define muscles
  • Full body program hitting all the major muscle groups

Adding muscle accelerated Jorge's metabolism and helped him burn more calories around the clock.

Having professional trainers design his exercise program ensured Jorge exercised effectively and avoided injury. But even without a trainer, his balanced routine of cardio and strength training is perfect for weight loss.

Health Benefits of Jorge Garcia's Weight Loss Transformation

Beyond looking better, Jorge Garcia's dramatic weight loss had profound effects on his overall health and wellbeing.

Here are some of the key benefits Jorge likely experienced by slimming down from 400 pounds:

  • Reduced inflammation - Excess fat causes widespread inflammation, which can damage organs. Losing weight decreases inflammation.
  • Lower cholesterol - Obesity drives up unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Weight loss improves cholesterol levels.
  • Lower blood pressure - Being overweight strains blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Shedding pounds can normalize blood pressure.
  • Reduced diabetes risk - A BMI over 30 doubles your risk of developing diabetes. Jorge now has a much lower chance of getting diabetes.
  • Healthier heart - Obesity majorly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Losing weight makes the heart and circulatory system much healthier.
  • Improved mobility - Excess weight puts tremendous strain on the joints. Jorge likely finds it much easier to move after losing over 100 pounds.
  • More energy - Being leaner and fitter gives you a lot more energy compared to being overweight and out of shape.

Jorge Garcia's weight loss gives him the best shot possible at living a long, active, healthy life. His story proves it is never too late to take control of your health.

7 Lessons from Jorge Garcia's Weight Loss Journey

Jorge Garcia's inspiring weight loss transformation holds valuable lessons anyone can apply to their own weight loss efforts. Here are some of the top tips to learn from Jorge's journey:

1. Transform your diet first

The majority of Jorge's weight loss stemmed from cleaning up his diet. Without changing your eating habits, it is nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off.

2. Incorporate both cardio and strength training

Jorge paired fat-burning cardio with metabolism-boosting strength training to maximize results. Integrating both elements accelerates weight loss.

3. Don't try to lose it all at once

Jorge took a patient, step-by-step approach to lose 100 pounds over time. Shooting for gradual weight loss prevents burnout and frustration.

4. Consider working with a trainer

Having a professional trainer optimizes your workouts and diet for weight loss. A trainer also provides accountability and motivation.

5. Make exercise enjoyable

Jorge chose activities like walking and swimming that he enjoyed. You're more likely to stick to an exercise program if you like the actual exercises.

6. Let others know your goals

Telling friends and family about your weight loss goals keeps you accountable. Their support improves your chances of success.

7. Monitor your progress

Tracking your weight, body measurements, and progress photos helps you stay motivated and catch any plateaus. Jorge likely tracked his results to gauge his amazing progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about Jorge Garcia's weight loss journey:

Q: How much weight did Jorge Garcia lose overall?

A: Estimates indicate Jorge lost 100-125 pounds from his peak weight of 400+ pounds.

Q: How long did it take Jorge to lose the weight?

A: Jorge's major weight loss occurred over a 2-3 year period in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

Q: What was Jorge Garcia's diet plan?

A: Jorge followed a high-protein, lower-carb diet with lean meats, fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, healthy fats, and no sugary processed foods or beverages.

Q: How often did Jorge Garcia exercise?

A: When actively losing weight, Jorge exercised 5-6 days per week with a mix of cardio and weights.

Q: Did Jorge have surgery like gastric bypass to lose weight?

A: No, Jorge lost all the weight through diet and exercise alone with no surgical procedures.

Q: Does Jorge Garcia still maintain his weight loss?

A: Jorge has kept off the majority of the weight but has gained back a small amount in recent years. He aims to get fully back on track.

Q: What motivated Jorge Garcia to finally lose the weight?

A: Jorge wanted to improve his health, body image, and reduce his risk of obesity-related diseases.


Jorge Garcia's astonishing weight loss of over 100 pounds serves as a powerful reminder that anyone can take control of their health and change for the better.

By making a commitment to transform his diet and incorporate daily exercise, Jorge lost more than a quarter of his body weight and completely transformed his figure. His weight loss also significantly improved his health and reduced his risk of chronic disease.

While Jorge acknowledges that maintaining weight loss continues to be a battle, his initial success losing over 100 pounds demonstrates that permanent lifestyle change is possible. Jorge's story shows that no matter how overweight you are, you can successfully slim down and change your life for the better.

Jorge's hard work and dedication to improving his health should inspire anyone looking to make positive changes. With commitment and support, you too can achieve weight loss success.