Ben Napier's Inspiring 90 Pound Weight Loss Journey

Ben Napier Weight Loss Journey

Ben Napier, one half of the beloved HGTV home renovation duo behind "Home Town" has inspired viewers with his charming personality and skills as a craftsman for years. But recently, eagle-eyed fans have also noticed a pretty major physical transformation in the woodworker - he's dropped a significant amount of weight!

So what's behind Ben Napier's weight loss journey? The busy dad and business owner has opened up about his decision to slim down. Keep reading to learn more about how Ben lost weight and achieved a healthier lifestyle!

Overview of Ben Napier's Weight Loss Transformation

Over the past couple of years, Home Town host Ben Napier has visibly shed pounds, slimming down his formerly stocky frame.

  • Ben's weight loss is estimated at 70-80 pounds so far.
  • His transformation began around 2018 and is still ongoing.
  • The weight loss has left the 6'6" HGTV star looking much trimmer and more toned.
  • Ben cites a combination of improved diet, exercise, and Prioritizing self-care as keys to his slim down.

The ambitious home reno expert has needed to become strategic to find time for healthy habits amid his demanding schedule. But the effort has paid off with impressive results!

What Motivated Ben Napier to Lose Weight?

So what originally lit a fire under Ben Napier to kickstart his fitness transformation?

Ben has shared that the big motivator was a desire to be as healthy and present as possible for his growing family.

He and his wife Erin Napier welcomed their first daughter, Helen, in 2018. Ben explained that becoming a dad made him reflect and want to adapt his lifestyle habits:

“Having a daughter really makes you go, ‘Oh, I need to be around as long as I can. I need to be as healthy as I can be for her.’ And looking back and being like, ‘Man, I was unhealthy.' I couldn’t do the things with her that I wanted to do."

In addition to improving his health, Ben was also inspired by the desire to keep up with Helen as she grows up. He knew that slimming down would help him:

  • Have more energy to be an active, involved dad
  • Boost his confidence
  • Avoid potential future illnesses linked to obesity

Fatherhood proved the life change that finally motivated Ben to commit to losing weight in a serious way.

How Did Ben Napier Lose Weight? His Approach to Diet and Exercise

So how exactly did busy dad and television personality Ben Napier find the time and motivation to lose around 80 pounds?

Here are the keys to Ben's multi-pronged weight loss approach:

Improving His Diet

Ben says that changing how he eats has been central to his weight loss journey. Some keys:

  • Cutting out junk food and reducing carbs: He avoids sugary snacks and limits carbs like bread and pasta.

  • Making healthier choices: Ben opts for lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains instead.

  • Portion control: He focuses on sensible portion sizes to reduce overall calorie intake.

  • Hydration: Drinking more water is also part of Ben's diet overhaul.

Adding in Exercise

Along with eating better, Ben also started exercising consistently.

  • His main form of activity is walking. Ben aims for 10,000 steps per day.

  • He also does some running and weight training for variety.

  • Workouts help him burn extra calories and build muscle.

Ben had to become intentional about carving out time for exercise each day amid his packed schedule. But he's found that physical activity gives him more energy, not less.

Prioritizing Rest and Reducing Stress

In addition to food and fitness, Napier realized he needed to focus on self-care too.

  • He emphasizes getting enough sleep each night.

  • Ben also makes sure to schedule downtime amid his hectic days renovating homes and managing rental properties.

  • He understands that chronic stress takes a toll, so relaxation is important.

Proper rest allows his body to recharge and helps manage cortisol levels.

By taking a holistic approach, Ben has been able to stick with his healthy habits and see amazing weight loss results.

How Much Weight Has Ben Napier Lost?

So just how much weight has the HGTV contractor shed since he began his health kick a few years back?

By all estimates, it's a whole lot! Here's a look at Ben's impressive slim down:

  • Ben reportedly weighed around 300 pounds at his heaviest.

  • He now weighs in at approximately 220-230 pounds.

  • That means he has lost roughly 70-80 pounds through his diet and fitness efforts.

Ben's commitment to developing healthy long-term habits has allowed him to lose the equivalent of over 5 stone.

And the 6'6" reality star continues to slim down, citing his weight loss journey as a "work in progress." By the looks of recent photos, he may have even more pounds to shed until he reaches his goal weight.

Ben's motivated, positive attitude has clearly paid off with a dramatic transformation. Fans can't get enough of his new look!

Benefits Experienced Since Losing Weight

Ben Napier has definitely reaped many rewards from his dedication to dropping pounds and enhancing his health. Some of the key benefits he has experienced include:

More Energy

Ben has much more vitality to keep up with his busy schedule thanks to improved diet, activity levels, and sleep habits. He has ditched the sluggish feeling and brain fog he used to live with.

Increased Confidence

Looking and feeling better in his own skin has given Ben a major self-esteem boost. He seems comfortable in the spotlight instead of self-conscious.

Better Overall Health

Ben has reduced his risk for obesity-related conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes by slimming down. His joints and back are also thanking him for taking pressure off.

Stronger Parenting Skills

As Ben had hoped, losing weight has made him a more active, engaged father who can enjoy playing with his little girl.


Ben has added years to his life by shedding pounds before weight-related health problems could take hold. He's ensured he will be there for his daughter's big milestones.

Losing weight has transformed Ben's health, energy levels, self-image, and family life. He set out to become his best self - and his determination is still paying dividends years later.

Weight Loss Tips from Ben Napier

Ben Napier's incredible weight loss didn't happen by accident. He put in the work to overhaul his lifestyle habits and lose around 80 pounds.

Ben's keys to success provide helpful tips for anyone looking to improve their health:

  • Make healthy eating a priority. Focus on nutritious whole foods and controlling portions. Eat more veggies, fruits, lean proteins, and fiber.

  • Stay active daily. Walk, run, lift weights, or do another heart-pumping activity you enjoy to burn extra calories.

  • Remember rest is important. Don't skimp on sleep, and schedule time to de-stress. Being well-rested gives you the energy needed to stay active and make healthy food choices.

  • Stay patient and positive. Accept that losing weight takes time. Focus on feeling proud of small accomplishments so you don't get discouraged.

  • Find an accountability partner. Share your goals and progress with someone supportive to stay motivated.

  • Make changes gradually. Don't overload yourself. Adjust your diet and start exercising slowly, adding a bit more over time.

With determination and a smart plan, nearly anyone can experience Ben Napier-level weight loss success!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ben Napier's impressive slim down has inspired many fans to improve their own health. Here are answers to some common questions about his weight loss journey:

How much weight did Ben Napier lose?

Ben has lost an estimated 70-80 pounds over the past few years through improved diet and exercise. He weighed around 300 pounds at his heaviest and now is down to about 220-230 pounds.

What was Ben Napier's diet for weight loss?

He cut out junk food and started eating more lean protein, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats. Controlling portions and staying hydrated were also key diet changes.

How did Ben Napier lose belly fat?

Reducing overall body fat through calorie deficit from his diet changes and ramped-up exercise activity like walking helped slim Ben's belly over time. Spot fat reduction takes patience!

What type of exercise does Ben Napier do?

Ben gets in about 10,000 steps per day through walking. He also incorporates running and weight training into his routine for maximum calorie burn and muscle building.

Did Ben Napier have weight loss surgery?

No. Ben's significant weight loss is attributed completely to major lifestyle changes like improving his diet quality, exercising consistently, reducing stress, and making sleep a priority.

What inspired Ben Napier's weight loss journey?

Ben cites becoming a father as his main motivating factor to get healthy. He wanted to lose weight to be able to keep up with his daughter and live a long life.

Ben Napier's inspirational weight loss journey proves that permanent lifestyle changes really do work! He motivated himself to improve his health and now motivates others.


Ben Napier has wowed fans with an incredible weight loss transformation that's still ongoing. By cutting calories in his diet, adding in exercise, and focusing on self-care, the HGTV star has slimmed down around 80 pounds.

Ben's keys to success have been improving his nutrition, walking daily, managing stress, and staying patient through ups and downs. His motivator was becoming a dad and wanting to be as healthy as possible for many years to come.

The results speak for themselves - Ben looks fantastic and feels better than ever! His story serves as a powerful reminder that permanent lifestyle changes can lead to amazing weight loss without shortcuts.

Here are the key takeaways on Ben Napier's inspiring weight loss:

  • Ben has lost around 80 pounds through diet and exercise changes.

  • He cut out junk food and started eating healthier, controlling portions.

  • Daily walking, plus running and weights, helped Ben burn extra calories.

  • Reducing stress and getting enough sleep were also very important.

  • Becoming a father motivated Ben to get serious about losing weight.

  • Consistency and patience were instrumental in seeing results.

Ben Napier shows that anyone can transform their health with dedication. His slim down provides weight loss inspiration and tips to follow for success!

Summary of Ben Napier's Weight Loss

Starting WeightAround 300 pounds
Current Weight220-230 pounds
Total Weight LostEstimated 70-80 pounds
Time Period2018 - Present
DietCut out junk food, eat more lean protein, veggies, whole grains. Control portions.
ExerciseDaily walking, running, weights
Other Lifestyle ChangesMore sleep, stress management
Weight Loss MotivationBeing healthy for his daughter