Kelly McGillis Weight Loss Transformation: Losing 89 Lbs After Surgery

Kelly McGillis Weight Loss Journey

Kelly McGillis is an American actress best known for starring in classic 1980s films like WitnessTop Gun and The Accused. After her acting career slowed down, McGillis' weight steadily increased over the years. At her heaviest, she weighed close to 300 pounds.

The significant weight gain negatively impacted her health, causing issues like knee problems and type 2 diabetes. In 2019, McGillis underwent gastric sleeve surgery and adopted intensive diet and exercise changes. As a result, she has lost an incredible 89 pounds so far. McGillis' dramatic physical transformation serves as inspiration for others struggling with obesity.

Kelly McGillis' Journey from 300 Pounds to Weight Loss Surgery

After a successful acting career in the 1980s, Kelly McGillis stepped back from Hollywood in the 1990s to raise her two daughters. During this time, her weight began creeping upwards each year.

By 2010, photos revealed McGillis' figure had changed considerably, as she gained nearly 100 pounds from her previous slender frame. Friends close to the actress estimate she weighed almost 300 pounds at her heaviest in the mid-2010s.

The extra weight put immense strain on McGillis' knee joints, eventually causing severe mobility issues. Simple tasks like climbing stairs or getting up from chairs became painfully difficult for her.

On top of worsening arthritis, McGillis developed type 2 diabetes as an obesity side effect, forcing her to manage high blood sugar levels.

These declining health conditions motivated McGillis to take action. On doctor's orders, she underwent gastric sleeve bariatric surgery in June 2019 at 62 years old. This procedure surgically removed 70% of McGillis' stomach to limit food intake, initiating her weight loss journey.

Shocking Before and After Photos of Kelly McGillis' 89 Pound Weight Loss

In January 2020, McGillis revealed the results of her bariatric surgery, showing off an 89 pound weight loss over just 7 months.

Photos of McGillis at her heaviest depict an obese frame at nearly 300 pounds. She appears lethargic with a swollen face and body.

Her recent photos post-surgery tell a completely different story. A vibrant and smiling McGillis looks slimmer and fitter in a smaller dress size. She stands taller with renewed confidence.

Comparing McGillis' before and after images proves how effectively bariatric surgery and lifestyle changes helped her shed pounds quickly. She seems overjoyed by her physical and health improvements.

Kelly McGillis' Daily 1000 Calorie Post-Surgery Diet

Kelly McGillis attributes her rapid weight loss success to strictly adhering to the bariatric surgery diet guidelines. She consumes just 1000 calories per day from lean, nutritious foods.

Her daily diet focuses on getting 80-100g of protein from sources like egg whites, chicken breast, fish, and Greek yogurt. She loads up on low-calorie vegetables including spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.

McGillis has cut out all processed foods, sugars, and alcohol. She eats small, frequent portions to control hunger. Sticking to these nutrition rules has been essential for losing weight safely post-surgery.

McGillis' Lower Body Focused Exercise Routine

Alongside adjusting her eating habits, Kelly McGillis added in a smart exercise regimen to accelerate calorie burn. However, she had to modify activities to accommodate her arthritic knees.

Her routine consists of light cardio like walking, swimming and stationary biking to raise her heart rate without high impact on joints. McGillis also does gentle strength training targeting her lower body.

She focuses on bodyweight moves like squats or lunges and avoids excessive weight lifting. Building muscle mass helps increase McGillis' resting metabolism. Regular activity keeps her active and mobile.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Helped Kelly McGillis Lose Nearly 100 Pounds

The radical weight loss Kelly McGillis achieved would not have been possible without the gastric sleeve procedure. This surgery removed 70% of her stomach to drastically limit food consumption.

The smaller stomach pouch only allows McGillis to eat very small meal portions. It also suppressed the hunger hormone ghrelin, reducing appetite.

By physically restricting McGillis' ability to consume large quantities of food, the gastric sleeve set the stage for her to lose weight through permanent lifestyle changes. This multi-pronged approach produced her amazing transformation.

Motivations and Inspiration Behind McGillis' Weight Loss Journey

In interviews, Kelly McGillis has spoken openly about her motivations for losing weight in her 60s. Most importantly, she wanted to improve her physical health. Issues like immobility and diabetes prompted her decision to have bariatric surgery.

On an emotional level, McGillis disliked feeling “ashamed” about the effects obesity had on her appearance and wellbeing. Taking control of her weight helped boost her self-confidence.

By publicly sharing her dramatic makeover, McGillis hopes to inspire others struggling with obesity-related health problems. Her story proves it is possible to turn your life around at any age.

Weight Loss Tips from Kelly McGillis

Based on her firsthand experience, Kelly McGillis offers useful weight loss advice:

  • Stick to the recommended bariatric surgery diet for best results
  • Add exercise like cardio and strength training to burn extra calories
  • Address underlying emotional or mental issues leading to overeating
  • Make sustainable, long-term lifestyle changes to maintain weight
  • Focus on overall health and self-love instead of just a number on the scale.

Kelly McGillis Weight Loss Takeaways

  • Weighed nearly 300 pounds before weight loss surgery
  • Lost 89 pounds after gastric sleeve procedure in 2019
  • Follows strict 1000 calorie per day diet with lean protein and vegetables
  • Does light cardio and lower body strength training for exercise
  • Bariatric surgery kickstarted weight loss by limiting food intake
  • Hopes her story inspires others struggling with obesity

Before and After Weight Loss Table

Before SurgeryAfter Losing 89 lbs
Weight~300 lbs~210 lbs
MobilityVery limited due to knee arthritisImproved mobility and less knee pain
DiabetesType 2 diabetesNo longer diabetic
DietNo portion control or restrictions1000 calories per day post-surgery diet
ExerciseSedentary lifestyleLight cardio and strength training routine

Pros and Cons of Kelly McGillis' Approach


  • Resolved obesity-related health issues like diabetes and knee problems
  • Increased mobility and independence in daily life
  • Boosted metabolism through strength training muscle mass
  • Gained self-confidence from achieving weight loss goal
  • Motivated others struggling with obesity by sharing her story


  • Gastric sleeve surgery is invasive, permanent, and risky
  • Must commit to strict diet permanently to avoid weight regain
  • May have loose or sagging skin that requires plastic surgery
  • Underlying emotional issues with food require ongoing work
  • Knee arthritis damage cannot be reversed through weight loss


How much weight did Kelly McGillis lose?

Kelly McGillis lost 89 pounds in just 7 months after undergoing gastric sleeve bariatric surgery.

What was Kelly McGillis' weight before losing weight?

At her heaviest in the mid-2010s, McGillis weighed close to 300 pounds.

How did Kelly McGillis lose weight?

She lost weight through gastric sleeve surgery, diet changes, and light exercise.

What health problems did Kelly McGillis' obesity cause?

Obesity led to knee arthritis limiting McGillis' mobility and type 2 diabetes.

What motivated Kelly McGillis to lose weight?

Declining health motivated her weight loss. She also wanted to boost her self-confidence.

What weight loss advice does Kelly McGillis offer?

She advises sticking to the bariatric surgery diet, exercising, addressing emotional issues with food, and making sustainable lifestyle changes.

Final Thoughts

Kelly McGillis' dramatic 300 pound weight loss proves it is possible to transform your health at any age. While bariatric surgery kickstarted her journey, her success stemmed from comprehensive lifestyle changes. Diet, exercise, and self-love all played key roles. McGillis shows that obesity does not have to define or limit you. Her inspiring real life story motivates others to take the first step towards a happier, healthier life.